Security Deposit Report


The Security Deposit report in the Property Management Solution module is a query-based report designed to track and display security deposit details related to specific accounts, properties, and parties.

1. Purpose of the Security Deposit Report

The Security Deposit report helps to:

  • Track and manage the security deposits paid by tenants or customers.

  • Display deposits based on specific accounts.

  • Provide details about properties, the number of rooms (BHK), and associated parties.

2. Key Filters in the Report

The report includes a filter to narrow down the data based on the account:

  • Account:

  • This filter allows users to select the specific account related to security deposits. The query only fetches non-group accounts with account numbers starting with "214," ensuring only relevant security deposit accounts are displayed.

* 3. Report Fields*

The Security Deposit report includes the following fields:

Cost Center:

Displays the property cost center related to the security deposit.


The party associated with the security deposit (usually the tenant).


The number of bedrooms (BHK) for the property.


The currency in which the security deposit was made.


  • The total security deposit amount in the respective currency.

  • Calculated as the difference between the debit and credit amounts, multiplied by -1 to display positive values for deposits.

Running the Report

To generate the report:

  • Navigate to the Security Deposit report in the Property Management Solution module.

  • Select the desired Account.

  • Click Run to generate the report, showing the relevant security deposit data for the selected account.
