

The Meter doctype is part of the Property Management Solution module and is used to manage meters (such as water, elecectricity, or gas meters) installed at properties. The doctype records essential information like meter numbers, types, inital readings, and statuses, which helps intracking and managing metering systems for properties.

The Meter doctype provides an easy-to-use system for administrators to keep track of all meters, manage their statuses, and track readings.

  1. Understanding the Meter Doctype

The Meter doctype is used to track individuals meters assigned to properties within the Property Management Solution module. Each meter is identified by a unique Meter Number, which is also used as the auto-generated document name. This doctype captures information like the meter type, its initial reading, and its opertaional status (active or inactive).

  1. Form Fields Explanation

The Meter doctype contains the following key fields to capture essential information about each meter.

Meter Number This field captures the unique identifier for each meter. The Meter Number is automatically used as the document name for the record.

Meter type

This field links to the Item doctype to specify the type of meter, such as water, electricity, or gas meter. Selecting the appropriate meter type ensure accurate tracking and classification.

Initial Reading

This field captures the meter's initial reading when it is first installed or tracked. This can be helpful in calculating consumption and tracking usage from start of the meter's opertion.


The Status field indicates whether the meter is currently active or inactive. Meters marked as "Active" are in use, while those marked as "Inactive" are not in operation.

  1. How to USe the Meter Doctype

Step-by-Step Usage

  1. Create a New Meter Record:
  • Navigate to the Meter doctype in the Property Management Solution module.

  • Click on New to create a new meter record.

  1. Enter Meter Number:
  • Choose the appropriate Meter Number (e.g., Water Meter, Electricity Meter) from the list of available Items.
  1. Select Meter Type:
  • Choose the appropriate Meter Type (e.g., Water Meter, Electricity Meter) from the list of available Items
  1. Record Initial Reading:

*Input the Intial Reading from the meter when it was first installed or when it started being tracked.

  1. Set Meter Status
  • Select whether the meter is Active or Inactive in the Status field, depending on whether the meter is curently in use or not.
  1. Save the Record:
  • After filling in the necessary details, click on Save to store the meter record.