Document Functions

Here’s a list of functions supported by the BaseDocument class and related utilities in the provided script:

Core Functions

  1. __init__(self, d) - Initialize a document instance.
  2. update(self, d) - Update multiple fields using a dictionary.
  3. update_if_missing(self, d) - Set default values for fields without existing values.
  4. get(self, key, filters=None, limit=None, default=None) - Retrieve a field's value or child table rows with optional filters.
  5. getone(self, key, filters=None) - Retrieve a single matching child document.
  6. set(self, key, value, as_value=False) - Set a field's value or initialize child tables.
  7. delete_key(self, key) - Delete a field from the document.
  8. append(self, key, value=None) - Add a new row to a child table.
  9. extend(self, key, value) - Add multiple rows to a child table.
  10. remove(self, doc) - Remove a child document from a child table.
  11. as_dict(self, ...) - Serialize the document as a dictionary.
  12. as_json(self) - Serialize the document as JSON.
  13. get_valid_dict(self, ...) - Retrieve a dictionary of valid fields for database insertion.
  14. get_table_field_doctype(self, fieldname) - Get the doctype of a child table.
  15. db_insert(self, ignore_if_duplicate=False) - Insert the document into the database.
  16. db_update(self) - Update the document in the database.
  17. db_update_all(self) - Update the document and all child documents in the database.
  18. get_db_value(self, key) - Retrieve a field's value from the database.
  19. get_parentfield_of_doctype(self, doctype) - Get the parent fieldname for a given child doctype.
  20. update_modified(self) - Update the modified timestamp in the database.


  1. _validate_length(self) - Validate length constraints for fields.
  2. _validate_selects(self) - Validate Select field values against options.
  3. _validate_data_fields(self) - Validate Data fields (e.g., email, URL).
  4. _validate_constants(self) - Validate fields marked as "set only once."
  5. _validate_update_after_submit(self) - Validate updates after document submission.
  6. _validate_non_negative(self) - Ensure numeric fields are not negative.
  7. _validate_code_fields(self) - Validate fields containing code (e.g., Python expressions).
  8. _validate_links(self) - Check for invalid or canceled links in linked fields.
  9. _validate_mandatory(self) - Validate mandatory fields.

Document Metadata and Utility

  1. is_new(self) - Check if the document is new.
  2. get_formatted(self, fieldname, ...) - Retrieve a formatted version of a field's value.
  3. precision(self, fieldname, parentfield=None) - Get precision for numeric fields.
  4. is_print_hide(self, fieldname, ...) - Check if a field is hidden for print.
  5. in_format_data(self, fieldname) - Check if a field is part of the print format data.
  6. init_child_tables(self) - Initialize child tables for the document.
  7. init_valid_columns(self) - Initialize valid columns with default values.
  8. get_valid_columns(self) - Retrieve a list of valid columns for the document.
  1. set_fetch_from_value(self, doctype, df, values) - Set value for fields with fetch_from property.
  2. get_invalid_links(self, is_submittable=False) - Retrieve invalid or canceled links.

Password Management

  1. _save_passwords(self) - Save password field values securely.
  2. get_password(self, fieldname="password", raise_exception=True) - Retrieve a password securely.
  3. is_dummy_password(self, pwd) - Check if a password is a dummy (e.g., *****).

Error Handling

  1. show_unique_validation_message(self, e) - Show validation errors for unique constraints.
  2. throw_length_exceeded_error(self, df, max_length, value) - Raise an error for exceeded length constraints.


  1. get_label_from_fieldname(self, fieldname) - Get the label for a fieldname.
  2. get_value(self, fieldname) - Get a value for a field, casting it appropriately.
  3. cast(self, value, df) - Cast a value based on field type.
  4. _sanitize_content(self) - Sanitize HTML and email fields to prevent XSS.
  5. _fix_numeric_types(self) - Ensure numeric fields have consistent types.
  6. _extract_images_from_text_editor(self) - Extract images embedded in Text Editor fields.
  7. reset_values_if_no_permlevel_access(self, ...) - Reset fields based on permission levels.

This comprehensive list covers all primary methods defined in the script for interacting with, validating, and managing documents in the Frappe framework. Let me know if you'd like to delve deeper into any of these!

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