

The Exit document type in the Property Management Solution is used to track and manage the termination or conclusion of property leases. The document records the details of the lease exit, including the reason for the exit (expiry, premature, or termination), associated lease information, and any relevant exit details. This document is particularly useful for property managers and system administrators who need to maintain accurate records of lease terminations.

1. Purpose of the "Exit" DocType

The "Exit" DocType serves to:

  • Record and track details of lease terminations.

  • Manage different types of lease exits (e.g., natural expiry, premature termination).

  • Provide a record of the reason and additional details of the exit.

  • This ensures that property managers have all relevant information regarding the termination of a lease in a structured and accessible format.

2. Key Fields and Definitions

The "Exit" document contains several fields to capture exit-related information:


  • Description: Links to the corresponding Lease document.

  • Options: This field is connected to the Lease doctype, allowing users to select the relevant lease that is being exited.

Exit Type:

  • Description: Defines the type of exit for the lease.

  • Options:

    • Expiry: The lease has naturally expired.

    • Pre-mature: The lease is being terminated before its scheduled expiry date.

    • Termination: The lease has been terminated for another reason.

Premature Expiry Date:

  • Description: Only required if the exit type is set to Pre-mature or Termination. This field records the effective date of the premature exit or termination.

Exit Details:

  • Description: A free-text field where users can provide additional details or explanations related to the lease exit.

3. Document Management

3.1 Creating a New Exit Document

To create a new Exit document:

  • Navigate to the Exit document in the Property Management Solution module.

  • Click on the New button.

Fill in the following fields:

Lease: Select the lease that is being exited by choosing from the list of active leases.

Exit Type: Choose the appropriate exit type (Expiry, Pre-mature, or Termination).

  * If you select "Pre-mature" or "Termination", you will be prompted to fill in the Premature Expiry Date.

  * Premature Expiry Date: If applicable, enter the date on which the lease will prematurely end.

Exit Details: Provide additional comments or information about the lease exit.

  • Save the document to record the lease exit information in the system.

The Exit DocType is part of the Property Management Solution module and is primarily used by property managers and administrators to record the termination or expiration of leases.
