EFD Z Report Invoice

  1. Fields:

    • invoice_number: A link field to the "Sales Invoice" DocType. This field stores the reference to the Sales Invoice linked to the Z Report Invoice.

    • invoice_date: A date field that fetches its value from the posting date of the linked Sales Invoice.

    • invoice_amount: A currency field representing the total amount of the linked Sales Invoice.

    • include: A checkbox indicating whether the particular Sales Invoice should be included in the Z Report.

    • amt_excl_vat: A currency field representing the amount excluding VAT for the linked Sales Invoice.

    • vat: A currency field representing the VAT amount for the linked Sales Invoice.

    • amt_ex__sr: A currency field representing the amount excluding special relief for the linked Sales Invoice.

  2. Grid Settings:

    • field_order: Specifies the order of fields in the table/grid view.

    • editable_grid: 1 (Indicates that the grid can be edited.)

  3. Timestamps and Tracking:

    • creation: Timestamp indicating when the DocType was created.

    • modified: Timestamp indicating the last modification time.

    • modified_by: User who last modified the DocType.

    • track_changes: 1 (Indicates that changes to this DocType should be tracked.)

  4. Permissions and Quick Entry:

    • No specific permissions are defined (permissions is an empty list).

    • quick_entry: 1 (Allows for quick data entry.)

  5. Sorting and Engine Information:

    • sort_field: "modified"

    • sort_order: "DESC" (Specifies the sorting order for the records based on the modification timestamp.)

    • engine: "InnoDB" (Database storage engine used.)

In summary, this DocType appears to be designed to store information related to Sales Invoices in the context of an Electronic Fiscal Device Z Report. The fields capture details such as invoice number, date, amounts, and inclusion status for reporting purposes. The design suggests a table structure for managing multiple entries of Z Report Invoices linked to Sales Invoices.