Station Members

  1. DocType Definition:

    • The code defines a DocType named "Station Members."
  2. Fields:

    • employee: This field is of type "Link" and is labeled "Employee." It refers to the "Employee" DocType and is required (reqd: 1). Instances of this DocType will have a link to an employee.
    • employee_name: This field is of type "Data" and is labeled "Employee Name." It is read-only (read_only: 1) and is designed to fetch the value from the "employee_name" field of the associated employee. This field is also included in the list view.
  3. Table Configuration:

    • The istable property is set to 1, indicating that this DocType represents a table. Instances of this DocType will be records within that table.
  4. Module and Ownership:

    • The module is specified as "CSF TZ."
  5. Permissions:

    • The permissions property is an empty list, indicating that no specific access permissions are defined. This might imply that access control is managed at a higher level.
  6. Quick Entry:

    • The quick_entry property is set to 1, indicating that quick entry is enabled for this DocType. Quick entry typically allows for faster data entry.
  7. Track Changes:

    • The track_changes property is set to 1, indicating that changes to instances of this DocType will be tracked.
  8. Sorting:

    • Sorting is based on the modified field in descending order (sort_field: "modified", sort_order: "DESC"), meaning the latest modifications will appear first in the list.

In summary, this DocType, "Station Members," is designed to store information about members associated with a station. It includes a link to an employee, fetches and displays the employee's name, and allows for quick entry. Changes to instances of this DocType will be tracked, and it is part of the "CSF TZ" module.

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