SQL Process Details
DocType Definition:
- The code defines a DocType named "SQL Process Detail," indicating that it is used to store details related to SQL processes.
: This field is of type "Data" and is labeled "ID." It is marked as read-only and is meant for storing an identifier.time
: This field is of type "Int" (integer) and is labeled "Time Running." It is marked as read-only and is intended to store the time duration for which the SQL process has been running.query
: This field is of type "Long Text" and is labeled "SQL Query." It is marked as read-only and is designed to store the SQL query associated with the process.kill
: This field is of type "Button" and is labeled "Kill." It is marked as read-only and is likely a button that might trigger an action to terminate or "kill" the associated SQL process.
- The
property is an empty list, indicating that no specific access permissions are defined. This might imply that access control is managed at a higher level.
- The
Indexing for Web Search:
- The
property is set to 1, indicating that instances of this DocType should be indexed for web search.
- The
Table Configuration:
- The
property is set to 1, indicating that this DocType represents a table, and instances of this DocType will be records within that table.
- The
Owner and Module:
- The owner of this DocType is set to "Administrator," indicating the user who initially created it.
- The module is specified as "CSF TZ."
In summary, the purpose of this code is to define a table-like DocType named "SQL Process Detail" to store information about SQL processes. It includes fields for ID, running time, SQL query, and a button field for killing the associated process. Instances of this DocType are searchable, and it is part of the "CSF TZ" module.