Attachment type

Attachment Type document is used to categorize or describe different types of attachments. Each instance of this document type represents a specific attachment type, and the description field is crucial for identifying and naming these types. The permissions, sorting order, and tracking indicate that it is designed to be managed and tracked within the system, likely associated with handling attachments in a structured way.

It is linked to various doctypes where you may need to specify what kind of attachment is needed on that page.

Overall, the document type provides a structured way to manage and categorize various types of attachments in the CSF TZ module of the system, with specific considerations for permissions, auto-naming, and tracking changes. The exact use case may depend on the broader context of the system it is a part of.

  1. Fields:

    • Description: This is the only field in the document type. It is of type "Data," representing a piece of text. The field is labeled "Description" and is marked as unique, ensuring that each instance of this document type has a distinct description.
  2. Autoname:

    • The autoname is configured to be generated based on the "field:description." This means that the description field is likely used to automatically generate a name or identifier for each instance of the Attachment Type.
  3. Permissions:

    • Permissions are defined for different roles, with System Manager having full access rights (create, delete, read, write, etc.). This suggests that users with the role of System Manager can perform various actions related to instances of this document type.
  4. Sorting and Display:

    • The default sort order is set to descending based on the modification date. This determines the order in which instances of this document type will be displayed.
  5. Case Sensitivity:

    • The document type uses "Title Case" for the naming convention. This is a style choice for how the names of instances are formatted.
  6. Quick Entry:

    • Quick Entry is enabled, indicating that there might be a simplified or streamlined process for entering data for this document type.
  7. Tracking:

    • The document type tracks changes, meaning that modifications to instances of this document type are logged.
  8. Database Engine:

    • It uses the InnoDB database engine, which is a widely used storage engine for MySQL databases.
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