SQL Process

  1. DocType Definition:

    • The code defines a DocType named "SQL Process," indicating that it is used to represent some kind of SQL-related process.
  2. Fields:

    • process: This field is of type "Table" and is labeled "Process." It references another DocType named "SQL Process Detail." The purpose of this field is to store details related to SQL processes. The use of a table field suggests that there can be multiple rows of data within this field for different process details.
    • refresh_q: This field is of type "Button" and is labeled "Refresh." It appears to be a button that might trigger some kind of refresh action or function related to SQL processes.
  3. Permissions:

    • The permissions property specifies access permissions for the "System Manager" role. This role has the authority to create, delete, email, print, read, share, and write records of this DocType.
  4. Global Search:

    • The show_name_in_global_search property is set to 1, indicating that instances of this DocType should be included in global search results. This can be useful for quickly finding and navigating to records.
  5. Single Instance:

    • The issingle property is set to 1, indicating that this DocType represents a single instance rather than multiple instances. In other words, it is not a transactional document but rather a configuration or settings document.
  6. Indexing for Web Search:

    • The index_web_pages_for_search property is set to 1, indicating that instances of this DocType should be indexed for web search. This might be useful for quickly retrieving information through a search interface.
  7. Owner and Module:

    • The owner of this DocType is set to "Administrator," indicating the user who initially created it.
    • The module is specified as "CSF TZ."

In summary, the purpose of this code is to define a single-instance DocType named "SQL Process" with a table field for storing details related to SQL processes. It includes a button field for triggering a refresh action, and access permissions are granted to the System Manager role. The DocType is designed to be searchable globally, and it is part of the "CSF TZ" module.

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