Possible Root Cause

  1. Metadata:

    • actions: An empty array, indicating no specific actions are defined for this DocType.

    • allow_import: Set to 1, allowing data import for this DocType.

    • allow_rename: Set to 1, allowing users to rename instances of this DocType.

    • autoname: Specifies autonaming using a naming series.

    • creation: Timestamp indicating when this DocType was created.

    • doctype: Specifies that this is a DocType.

    • editable_grid: Set to 1, allowing an editable grid for data entry.

    • engine: Specifies the storage engine (InnoDB) for this DocType.

    • field_order: Specifies the order of fields in the user interface.

    • index_web_pages_for_search: Set to 1, suggesting indexing for web page search.

    • links: An empty array, indicating no specific links are defined.

    • modified: Timestamp indicating when this DocType was last modified.

    • modified_by: Specifies the user who last modified this DocType (Administrator).

    • module: Specifies the module as "CSF TZ."

    • name: The name of the DocType, which is "Root Cause Analysis."

    • owner: Specifies the owner of this DocType.

    • permissions: Specifies permissions for creating, deleting, exporting, printing, reading, and writing records. Different roles (System Manager, Stock User, Stock Manager) have different levels of access.

    • sort_field: Specifies the field used for sorting records.

    • sort_order: Specifies the sort order (descending).

    • title_field: Specifies the field used as the title, which is "title."

    • track_changes, track_seen, track_views: All set to 1, indicating that changes, views, and seen status are tracked for this DocType.

  2. Fields:

    • An array of fields, each describing a specific attribute of the "Root Cause Analysis." Key fields include issue_detail, impact_to_productivity, description_of_the_issue, possible_root_cause, status, reported_by, prevention_strategy, solved_by, phone_no, is_recurring_issue, frequency_of_the_issue, department_affected, date_issue_happened, title, reported_date, department_issue_identified, and naming_series. Each field has properties like fieldname, fieldtype, label, and, in some cases, additional properties like in_list_view, reqd, etc.

  3. Description of Fields:

    • Fields capture various details about the issue, such as its impact, description, possible root causes, status, reported details, prevention strategies, and more.

    • Some fields are of type Section Break, Column Break, Select, Small Text, and Table, indicating the variety of data types supported.

    • Some fields have options or predefined values (e.g., "Low," "Medium," "High," "Pending," "Solved").


    • Comments in the _comments field provide additional information or guidance on specific fields, such as the formula for stock entry material receipt quantity.

  5. Track Changes:

    • track_changes, track_seen, track_views: All set to 1, indicating that changes, views, and seen status are tracked for this DocType.

In summary, this DocType is a comprehensive structure for managing and analyzing root causes of issues or incidents within an organization, with a focus on capturing detailed information, providing guidance, and tracking changes or interactions with the data.