Currency Settings

  1. Fields and Field Order:

    • enable_reporting_currency: A Check field indicating whether reporting currency is enabled (default set to "0").

    • company: A Link field referencing the "Company" DocType, representing the company associated with the reporting currency. It is mandatory when reporting currency is enabled.

    • reporting_currency: A Link field referencing the "Currency" DocType, representing the reporting currency associated with the company. It is mandatory when reporting currency is enabled.

    • recalculation_start_date: A Date field representing the start date for recalculation.

    • recalculation_end_date: A Date field representing the end date for recalculation. It is mandatory when the start date is specified.

    • reset_reporting_currency_records: A Button field labeled "Reset Reporting Currency Records."

    • recalculation_schedule_frequency: A Select field for choosing the frequency of recalculation (Daily, Weekly, Monthly).

    • recalculation_schedule_time: A Time field representing the time for the recalculation schedule.

    • rate_definition_section: A hidden Section Break labeled "Rate Definition."

    • table_11: A Table field representing a child table named "Reporting Currency Settings Rate."

    • section_break_2: A Section Break labeled "Company Settings," dependent on the condition of enabling reporting currency.

    • section_break_6: A Section Break labeled "Manual Calculation Settings," dependent on the condition of enabling reporting currency.

    • section_break_12: A Section Break labeled "Auto Calculation Settings," dependent on the condition of enabling reporting currency.

  2. Autoname Configuration:

    • autoname: "field:company" - Autonaming is based on the value of the "company" field.

  3. Permissions:

    • Permissions are defined for the "System Manager" role, allowing create, delete, email, print, read, share, and write actions.

  4. Sorting:

    • sort_field: "modified" - Sorting is based on the modification timestamp.

    • sort_order: "DESC" - Sorting order is descending.

  5. Track Changes:

    • track_changes: 1 - Indicates that changes to this DocType are tracked.


  • The "Reporting Currency Settings" DocType seems to be designed for configuring settings related to reporting currency in a system. It includes options for enabling reporting currency, associating a company with a reporting currency, specifying recalculation parameters, and managing rates through a child table. The structure suggests flexibility in handling different aspects of reporting currency, including manual and automated recalculation settings.