Fine Record

  1. Auto Naming:

    • The autoname property is set to "field:reference," indicating that the "reference" field will be used to automatically generate names for instances of this DocType. This ensures that each fine record has a unique identifier.
  2. Fields:

    • Various fields are defined to capture important details about each fine:

      • reference: A unique identifier for the fine record.
      • issued_date: The date when the fine was issued.
      • officer: The officer responsible for issuing the fine.
      • vehicle: A link to the "Vehicle" DocType, representing the specific vehicle associated with the fine.
      • licence: Information about the license related to the fine.
      • location: The location where the fine was issued.
      • offence: Details of the offense.
      • charge: The monetary charge associated with the fine.
      • penalty: The penalty amount.
      • total: The total amount, which may include both the charge and penalty.
      • status: The current status of the fine.
  3. Permissions:

    • Permissions are defined to specify who has access to create, delete, email, export, print, read, report, and write fine records. In this case, users with the "System Manager" role have full access.
  4. Storage Engine:

    • The engine property is set to "InnoDB," indicating the use of the InnoDB storage engine for the underlying database tables.
  5. Track Changes:

    • The track_changes property is set to 1, indicating that changes to instances of this DocType will be tracked. This can be useful for auditing and keeping a history of modifications.
  6. Title Field:

    • The title_field property is set to "vehicle," indicating that the "vehicle" field is used as the title field. This suggests that the vehicle information is a key identifier for each record.

In summary, the purpose of the "Vehicle Fine Record" DocType is to provide a structured way to document and manage fines issued for vehicle-related offenses. It captures details such as the date of issuance, responsible officer, specific vehicle involved, offense details, and financial aspects of the fine. The permissions, auto-naming, and tracking features contribute to effective fine management within the Frappe framework.

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