Special Closing Balance Details

  1. Metadata:

    • _comments: An array of comments by the administrator. In this case, there's a comment about a formula for Stock Entry Material Receipt quantity for each item based on this table.
    • creation: Timestamp indicating when this DocType was created.
    • doctype: Specifies that this is a DocType.
    • editable_grid: Set to 1, indicating that an editable grid is supported for data entry.
    • engine: Specifies that the storage engine used for this DocType is InnoDB.
    • field_order: An array specifying the order in which fields appear in the user interface.
    • istable: Set to 1, indicating that this DocType represents a table.
    • modified: Timestamp indicating when this DocType was last modified.
    • modified_by: Specifies the user (Administrator) who last modified this DocType.
    • module: Specifies the module as "CSF TZ."
    • name: The name of the DocType, which is "Special Closing Balance Detail."
    • owner: Specifies the owner of this DocType.
    • permissions: An empty array, indicating no specific permissions are defined for this DocType.
    • quick_entry: Set to 1, suggesting that quick entry is enabled for this DocType.
    • sort_field: Specifies the field used for sorting records.
    • sort_order: Specifies the sort order, which is "DESC" (descending).
    • track_changes: Set to 1, suggesting that changes are tracked for this DocType.
  2. Fields:

    • An array of fields, each describing a specific attribute of the "Special Closing Balance Detail." Key fields include item, uom, quantity, and item_balance. Each field has properties like fieldname, fieldtype, label, and, in some cases, additional properties like in_list_view, reqd, read_only, etc.
  3. Description of Fields:

    • item: A Link field referencing the "Item" DocType. It is required and displayed in the list view.
    • uom: A Link field referencing the "UOM" DocType. It is required and displayed in the list view. The field is pre-filled from the "item.stock_uom" and fetches if empty.
    • quantity: A Float field representing the quantity. It is required and displayed in the list view.
    • item_balance: A Float field representing the Stock Balance On Submit. It is read-only and displayed in the list view.

    • There is a comment indicating a formula for Stock Entry Material Receipt quantity for each item based on this table.
  5. Track Changes:

    • track_changes is set to 1, suggesting that changes are tracked for this DocType.

In summary, this DocType defines a table structure named "Special Closing Balance Detail" used to capture details related to items, their quantities, and stock balance in the context of special closing balances. It is designed to support quick data entry, and changes made to instances of this DocType are tracked.

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